Basic Obedience



Basic Obedience Curriculum

  • 4 Private 1-Hour Lessons
  • “Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit.”
  • “Down” and “Extended Down.”
  • “Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on a specific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc.)
  • “Out” To drop any and all the things you ask them to.
  • “Off” (to stop doing what you’re doing – jumping, counter surfing, etc.)
  • “Break” (Release word)
  • “Loose Leash Walking” They will walk beside you on a leash.

* Includes eCollar and training leash
** Minimum Dog Age: 5 months old



Basic Obedience Curriculum

  • 4 Private 1-Hour Lessons
  • “Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit.”
  • “Down” and “Extended Down.”
  • “Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on a specific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc.)
  • “Out” To drop any and all the things you ask them to.
  • “Off” (to stop doing what you’re doing – jumping, counter surfing, etc.)
  • “Break” (Release word)
  • “Loose Leash Walking” They will walk beside you on a leash.

* Includes eCollar and training leash
** Minimum Dog Age: 5 months old




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